Tattooing Post Pandemic
Like most people during this awful Pandemic we have experienced a mixed bag of emotions. There has been fear for our loved ones, anxiety in the uncertainty, utter pride in seeing how
our communities have come together to support each other. We have watched in awe at the fantastic medical staff, that have sacrificed so much to care for those that have fallen seriously ill from this awful virus.
We have been watching and patiently waiting for clarity from the government as to what we can do and when we may be able to open. So naturally this has brought to our attention the need for us to readjust and rethink the way we may have to do things in the foreseeable future in order to ensure our clients safety at all times.
It would be useful to point out that all tattoo studios and tattoo artists are trained and aware of cross contamination and have to adhere to strict hygiene standards, akin to those of a medical practice. Areas and equipment have to be sterilized and cleaned regularly.
However, in view of the current circumstances we will be taking extra measures to ensure that our clients can come and progress their body art in a safe environment. In preparation for reopening we will be purchasing extra PPE equipment in the form of masks, gloves will be available for clients to use during their tattoo. Hand sanitizer will be readily available together with hand washing station.
Due to current guidelines we will be limiting the amount of people that we will be allowing into the shop and encourage appointments to be made prior to coming to avoid us having to turn anyone away.
As always we ask if you are experiencing cold/flu like symptoms then we can rearrange your booking when you are feeling well.
We will be continuing to review and change when necessary our procedure to fall in line with government guidelines and to maintain the safety of our clients and ourselves.
We are so looking forward to tattooing again in Birmingham.